Josie Teresi

"We are all born shining stars and are all One with the Source, which is our Core. Love is everything and in us all for the ultimate collaboration of peace and divinity in our lives."

Learn more about my services

Services I Offer

These are some of my most popular services, designed to help people find healing and guidance.

I Counsel

I have offered my natural, loving, and intuitive energy as a life coach and spiritual counselor for over thirty years. My readings are clear and concise, calling forth energy balancing and spiritual guidance.

I Heal

Reiki is a tool for personal and spiritual growth, which enhances the body, mind and spirit's own innate ability to hal. I have practiced reiki for fifteen years.

I Inspire

I am available as an inspirational speaker at events and on podcasts. It is truly my honor to give people hope and faith on their journey as I share my many years of experience of intuitive life coaching and spiritual readings.

My Mission is a Journey

This dream has always been my purpose in life: to help others see the bright spiritual light within; to nurture the sacred parts of themselves; bringing forth self-care, love, and self-healing.

The love of self is not only crucial to our humane development, it also paves the divine path to loving others.

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