About Josie

Josephine Teresi

Clairvoyant and Spiritual Healer

Josephine offers her natural, loving, intuitive Energy as a Healer and Counselor for the past 30 years. She gives clear, concise readings; calling forth energy balancing and spiritual guidance.

Josephine is the published author of the inspirational book entitled, "You Were Born A Star, Now What?", published as an e-book through Smashwords.com, and offered in hard cover. This gift of writing is based on the teachings of "A Course In Miracles" and the Unity philosophy. Josephine has taken her years of experience with young people and the challenges some face with addiction and recovery. She has blended her beliefs and deep faith with the huge transitions of our new world and all of the opportunities we have been blessed with in receiving Universal Life Force Energy and ultimately, higher consciousness. All people, especially our youth, can now come to be aware of the treasures that live within us as our present and future unfolds.

"Of all among us," says Josephine, "Our young people - amidst their personal evolutions - receiving their educations, raising children, and journeying through this time of complete transition; are in need of more spiritual support, universal guidance, and most of all, compassion."

Educated in Alice Bailey's Esoteric Energy Healing as well as receiving a Certificate in Reiki (Third Degree), Josephine has been a Light-Worker Practitioner for the past 25 years; blending her education in energy work and her intuitive nature in creating a healing practice that promotes over all wellbeing of mind/body/spirit.

"We are all born shining stars and are all One with Source which is our Core. Love is everything and in us all for the ultimate collaboration of peace and divinity in all of our lives."

Many Blessings,
Josephine Teresi

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